Sunday, March 25, 2012

Another Poem...Life

Here you go folks...another Poem shared by the same dear friend....

I guess he gave me this poem for me to share....if not...too late!!!

There was a long story behind but am not going to relate that here...just too long! hehe

So here goes the poem....

Life is to live,so live it with a smile
If not for long at least for a while
Think not at the fading flowers,think of the sunny hours
Think not of your grief for life is brief

Poem by Dhiraj Husraj (1999)

The poem really touched a string since that's what I always tell myself when I am going through bad phases in life....ok...right...not in the same poetic way...yet that's how I encourage myself!

Till next,

Loads of love


Il pleure dans mon coeur

Il pleure dans mon coeur
Comme il pleut sur la ville ;
Quelle est cette langueur
Qui pénètre mon coeur ?

Ô bruit doux de la pluie
Par terre et sur les toits !
Pour un coeur qui s'ennuie,
Ô le chant de la pluie !

Il pleure sans raison
Dans ce coeur qui s'écoeure.
Quoi ! nulle trahison ?...
Ce deuil est sans raison.

C'est bien la pire peine
De ne savoir pourquoi
Sans amour et sans haine
Mon coeur a tant de peine !

Paul Verlaine

A poem shared by someone dear to me....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where have I lost myself?

It’s been such a long time since I last posted something.

Lately life has not been a bed of roses…neither was it so terrible. 

Often I wanted to come here and just write down my turmoil but then I would rather shut myself in my own little world and suffer in silence.  

The past months were eventful in the sense that I met a few people.  I discovered and understood my friendship towards some special people and at the same time I realised that deep down myself, I do not know where I am heading and what I really want.

Today itself, my dad asked me to be more positive.  This is something that many people have told me about.  I am too negative in life and believe me; a negative approach in life will never lead you anywhere far…  Ok, so to be positive?

At times I just wonder how to change myself and adopt a more positive attitude and show some more self-confidence in myself?  

Hell…life has not always been easy, with lots of downs than ups…but yet I have been able to face it all and I am still going on.  Yet at times I feel so weak and say to myself that this time I won’t be able to face it all.  But when I sit back and think well…there are many people who are in worse situations than mine, then why am I complaining on petty things?

There comes my inspiration then to move on in life…

Today when I was going to work in the Bus, I was just thinking about my life…about how I should let go of the past and of its demons and how I should really concentrate on my life NOW and try to make a better future of what is left to be lived.

Well, every time I say the same thing but do not keep up to the promise.  But I will try to be more regular in my writings and come up with some interesting things…

I am still thinking how to improve my blog…what to post and I should admit that often the inspiration is not there…

Anyway beautiful people…..keep safe

Loads of love
